So we're back after the holidays! We met again at the gracious Finks'. In attendance: Jon, Chris, Reuben, B-Lo, Dusty, and Tom (via conference call). Absent: Trey.
Fools Fest: Again, this is not an official event, but we're gonna try send a group of locals to haev some fun and play some disc. Tom is gonna submit a bid. We've even come up with a spectacular idea for the team's theme... but i'm gonna keep you all in suspense until the bid's submitted and accepted. We've gotten a good response so far, so we're gonna cap the roster at 21 people. Still email me (B-Lo) if you're interested, and i'll put you on the waiting list. It's likely we'll have a few people splitting duty on multiple teams.
Selection Committee: All 11 candidates have been contacted and all expressed interest along with a desire for more details. We discussed important determining factors in picking the final SC such as availability, dynamic, representation, objectivity, ultimate intelligence, etc. Our plan is to have the core meet with the SC candidates on 21 February to hash out the tryout process and discuss roles.
Leadership: Pardon the obvious, but considering the nature of this venture, strong leadership is critical to our success. The core members don't want to presume they are the best people to lead the team beyond June. At the same time, we want to avoid a clumsy leadership transition from spring to fall. Nothing has been decided, but we're discussing different models of leadership including: single captain, co-captains, junta, coach w/ field captains, coach w/ junta, etc. Please feel free to share your opinions with the core.
Schedule: The
schedule has been updated to reflect the most current intelligence we have. Keep in mind that there's still plenty that's not set in stone. If you expect to have difficulty making events, then you must let a core member know as soon as possible.
Second Team: We need to have a game plan to ensure a second team exists and is supported. In our meeting with the SC, we will discuss how to coordinate/manage practices/tryouts. The core will assume responsibility for submitting bids to tournaments for a 1st and 2nd team for the time being.
Other random things that came up: It was proposed that we hold a town hall style meeting for people to come ask the core questions and pick our brains.